
Regions: Brand & Digital

Brand strategy & digital design for non-profit organisation Regions


Regions is a non-profit organization that fosters regional and feminist solidarities for justice through policy dialogue between civil society, governments, sub-regional alliances, and the UN.

Working closely with the driving forces of the organization, the TPS team conducted extensive research, workshops, interviews, observations, and analysis to help identify problems, understand their audience, develop their mission and language for clear messaging, and refine an unmistakeable narrative excellence. My role as Senior Designer included synthesising the research and designing their information architecture, web and mobile UIUX, and visual identity.

Design Thinking
Digital Design
Brand Identity
Brand Positioning
Website Design

Workshop &Facilitation
Information Architecture
Verbal Identity System
Visual Identity System


Workshop Facilitation
/ User Story:

Working with the founders of RR, we (TPS) conducted workshops and exercises to help them better develop their user story: what is their mission statement, goals, and identify problems to better serve their stakeholders.

Workshop Facilitation / User Story: Working with the founders of RR, we (TPS) conducted workshops and exercises to help them better develop their user story: what is their mission statement, goals, and identify problems to better serve their stakeho…

Language Development

During the workshop, TPS focused on getting out the right language to best convey a strong, accurate message to their stakeholders. What is RR to anyone? We grasp their business objectives and develop their vision statement to understand their expectations and deliver added value.

Language Development: During the workshop, TPS focused on getting out the right language to best convey a strong, accurate message to their stakeholders. What is RR to anyone? We grasp their business objectives and develop their vision statement to …


Conducting several 30-minute interviews via Skype/Hangouts/calls, TPS asked a series of questions to their local and international stakeholders and target audience for insights to sharpen RR's brand, story, messaging, and understand those needs to help them become a better and more effective partner.

30 Min Interviews: Conducting interviews via Skype/Hangouts/calls, TPS asked a series of questions to their local and international stakeholders and target audience for insights to sharpen RR's brand, story, messaging, and understand those needs to …

Brand Analysis Report

Through these conversations, TPS developed a comprehensive brand/competition analysis and matrices to make clear what positioning RR sees themselves as. We define the big picture: their mission, the thematics, keywords, target audience, and a comprehensive analysis of their competition.

Mapping out the Stakeholders

Mapping out the Stakeholders

Brand Analysis Report: Through these conversations, TPS developed a comprehensive brand/competition analysis and matrices to make clear what positioning RR sees themselves as. We define the big picture: their mission, the thematics, keywords, target…

Design Thinking

Through our process of applying design principles into our analysis, we transcribed and dissected the conversations from all the interviewed stakeholders and focus on finding the intelligent equation between purpose and construction; through patterns, keywords, listening to problems faced in specific regions; to determine important values and issues identified as major pain points and converting those notions into opportunity.

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Competitive Analysis

I put together a few competitive analysis matrices to pin point key values that RR brings to its stakeholders against their immediate competitors that produce similar content as they do to position them strategically.

Competitive Analysis: We pin point key values that RR brings to its stakeholders against their immediate competitors that produce similar content as they do to position them strategically.

Website Design
Mobile Design

A quick, 1-page website page was designed and I worked directly with a developer, Adam Verwymere, to house RR's content, making the basic contact info and clear brand messaging available to the page visitors.


User Experience
Information Architecture
Lo-fi Wireframes

With a deep investigation into understanding RR's content, I designed a system of IA and created the content management site flow to enable functional, accessible quick access for their users. I also designed the low-fi wireframes below.



• What are the best ways to align their organisation needs with their user goals?
• What features should be in the site?
• What will their users relate to and want?
• What are the next ideas to add value?
• How useful/relevant are these proposed strategies?
• What does the user test show us?
• What other crazy ideas can we come up with?

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Brand Positioning
Verbal Identity System

We specified the organisations’ brand messaging guidelines into a presentation guide. We determined the tone, language, values, persona, and various roles towards the varying stakeholders in the organization.